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Download csv file in php example with arrays

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Creating downloadable CSV files using PHP

The phpMyAdmin allows us different ways to export the MySQL database Table data. One of a method is CSV. In this tutorial, I am using fputcsv() method to write data in a file. I create an example, where write the file with MySQL table data and download it on a button with PHP. What is happening? This function takes each line of the CSV import file and runs it through PHP's fgetcsv function. This function is similar to fgets except that fgetcsv parses the line it reads for fields in CSV format and returns an array containing the fields read. The array is an indexed array, with the first item at 0, second at 1 and so on. In web browsers the value ‘attachment’ instructs the browser to offer the file for download with the suggested name — the file might otherwise be displayed in the browser window as if it were normal text. PHP introduced the fputcsv function, which outputs an array of data to a file pointer as comma-separated values. Because fputcsv.

download csv file in php example with arrays

Download csv file in php example with arrays

This PHP function will import CSV and convert it to an associative array based on the column headings in the first row. To use, simply call the function with a valid filename as the only parameter. The function will return an associative array of the import CSV file contents. The import CSV must have column headings as the first row since these are used to create the associative array elements.

This function is similar to fgets except that fgetcsv parses the line it reads for fields in CSV format and returns an array containing the fields read. The array is an indexed array, with the first item at 0, second at 1 and so on. To get the associative array, the first row of data is used as the column headings, then a loop runs over each item in the array from fgetcsv and inserts it against the column heading.

The method of using associative arrays is far better than an indexed array, as it can often be confusing, cause errors trying to remember what piece of data is at any given numerical index, and code maintenance is often a minefield. If a new column is added to the data, you have to update all the indexes where that array is used. With an associative array, you access data via a name, so it does not matter what order the data is read in or how many columns are inserted, that name will remain constant.

Glad I bumped into this on my google search. I had two lists of symlinks, with 24 and 32 links to insert in two directories. As I'm on a virtual host with no access to the shell, I wanted a PHP script to do what bash would do from the command line. With this snippet I was able to loop through my lists and create the two sets of symlinks in micro milliseconds if I don't count the time spent typing the address in the browser.

Hi, great function! How would you start reading at say the th row? I'm trying to work this out but am not an expert in PHP, download csv file in php example with arrays, can it be done within your function?

Thanks in advance! Just a quick idea, you could check the counter before processing the row. Something similar to this should work:, download csv file in php example with arrays.

We respect your privacy, and will not make your email public. Hashed email address may be checked against Gravatar service to retrieve avatars. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment download csv file in php example with arrays is processed. Tim Trott is a creative photographer, traveller, astronomer and software engineer with a passion for self-growth and a desire for personal challenge. The array is associative so you can download csv file in php example with arrays values by the column heading from the CSV.

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How to create a CSV file using PHP

, time: 9:17

Download csv file in php example with arrays

download csv file in php example with arrays

What is happening? This function takes each line of the CSV import file and runs it through PHP's fgetcsv function. This function is similar to fgets except that fgetcsv parses the line it reads for fields in CSV format and returns an array containing the fields read. The array is an indexed array, with the first item at 0, second at 1 and so on. Nov 11,  · The following article shows the most efficient ways to consume and read a CSV file with PHP. The CSV File. In this tutorial, we will work initially with a very basic comma separated values file, but also later in the article, we can start to swap the delimiter . This a short tutorial on how to create a CSV file with PHP. I will also show you how to “force it” to download as a file (this is extremely handy for creating “Export to CSV” buttons and whatnot).

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